Club offers fortnightly obedience training to all dog owners, typically on Teusday nights at 7pm. You don't need to be a member of the club.
Pre payments for attendance is required - club members $5, non-members $10
The Dobermann Club of NSW
Commonwealth Bank
BSB 062 000
Account 009 219 84
Ring 3, DOGS NSW Complex. 44 Luddenham Rd Orchard Hills
Upcoming classes will be published on Club's Facebook page.
Please check Facebook page for any last minute notifications about classes as this might change at the last minute due to weather.
Training is tailored to each individual, and it can cover a range of issues to solve, exercises to teach and methods to use. Currently majority of attendees train for Rally competitions.
Nights are informal and fun, as we believe dog training should be fun for both the owner and the dog!
The main aim of these classes is for the owners to build better relationship with their dog to empower them to train the dogs in a fun but structured way.
We would like you to bring lots of soft dog treats (Prime100 kangaroo roll cut to small pieces is ideal) and/or bring your dogs favourite toy if you dog likes to tug and fetch.
Treats such as dried liver, doggie chocolate, yoghurt drops etc are NOT suitable.
As you will be using a lot of treats/food it needs to be part of your dogs healthy diet.
Each dog is an individual and one method won't fit all.
If you are coming with another family member, it is a good idea that sometimes you get the other person look after the dog while you listen to the instructor and observe the others doing a particular exercise, without distraction of your own dog.
We request that you bring the dog on a strong collar and lead. We ask you that you don't let your dog go up to another dog unless you have asked the other owner for permission.
Our instructor/instructors are volunteers and have experience in training and trialling in variety of dog sports.
If and instructor is unable to help, if your dog has significant behavioural issues you will be advised to seek help from a professional trainer.
Pre payments for attendance is required - club members $5, non-members $10
The Dobermann Club of NSW
Commonwealth Bank
BSB 062 000
Account 009 219 84
Ring 3, DOGS NSW Complex. 44 Luddenham Rd Orchard Hills
Upcoming classes will be published on Club's Facebook page.
Please check Facebook page for any last minute notifications about classes as this might change at the last minute due to weather.
Training is tailored to each individual, and it can cover a range of issues to solve, exercises to teach and methods to use. Currently majority of attendees train for Rally competitions.
Nights are informal and fun, as we believe dog training should be fun for both the owner and the dog!
The main aim of these classes is for the owners to build better relationship with their dog to empower them to train the dogs in a fun but structured way.
We would like you to bring lots of soft dog treats (Prime100 kangaroo roll cut to small pieces is ideal) and/or bring your dogs favourite toy if you dog likes to tug and fetch.
Treats such as dried liver, doggie chocolate, yoghurt drops etc are NOT suitable.
As you will be using a lot of treats/food it needs to be part of your dogs healthy diet.
Each dog is an individual and one method won't fit all.
If you are coming with another family member, it is a good idea that sometimes you get the other person look after the dog while you listen to the instructor and observe the others doing a particular exercise, without distraction of your own dog.
We request that you bring the dog on a strong collar and lead. We ask you that you don't let your dog go up to another dog unless you have asked the other owner for permission.
Our instructor/instructors are volunteers and have experience in training and trialling in variety of dog sports.
If and instructor is unable to help, if your dog has significant behavioural issues you will be advised to seek help from a professional trainer.
Instructions to Two Food/ Two Ball game
two_food_game.docx |